Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bulimia nervosa, more commonly known as bulimia or The Poke and Choke, is an eating disorder. It is a psychological condition in which the subject engages in recurrent binge eating followed by an intentional purging. This purging is done in order to compensate for the excessive intake of the food and to prevent weight gain. Purging typically takes the form of vomiting; inappropriate use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or other medication; excessive physical exercise, or fasting.

DSM-IV-TR criteria

The following five criteria should be met for a patient to be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa:[1]
Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:
Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any two-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances.
A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).
Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise.
The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors both occur, on average, at least twice a week for three months.
Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.
The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia nervosa.

History of bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa was first described by Professor Gerald Russell in 1979 whilst he worked at the Royal Free Hospital, London. Bulimia nervosa has been recognized as an autonomous eating disorder by the American Psychiatric Association since 1980 [2]. The word “bulimia” is Latin, getting its roots from the Greek word “boulimia” which directly translates to mean “extreme hunger” [3].


Bulimia is often less about food, and more to do with deep psychological issues and profound feelings of lack of control. Binge/purge episodes can be severe, sometimes involving rapid and out of control feeding that can stop when the sufferers "are interrupted by another person" or when their stomach hurts from over-extension. This cycle may be repeated several times a week or, in serious cases, several times a day.[4] Sufferers can often "use the destructive eating pattern to gain control over their lives"[5].

Environmental factors

Rates of bulimia are much more prevalent in western civilizations, to the point that the disorder is almost non-existent in eastern cultures. As western civilization is becoming a more prominent figure in other cultures, through movies and television primarily, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the incidence of eating disorders in these cultures. The disorder is also much more prevalent in the Caucasian race, though as media influences have become stronger, the disorder is becoming a rising problem in the African American and Hispanic communities. Women are also 90% of patients who suffer from this disorder. Females involved in activities that put an extreme emphasis on thinness and body type (such as gymnastics, dance and cheerleading) are at the greatest risk for the development of eating disorders. [6]

Patterns of bulimic cycles

The frequency of bulimic cycles will vary from person to person. Some will suffer from an episode every few months while others who are more severely ill may binge and purge several times a day. Some people may vomit automatically after they have eaten any food. Others will eat socially but may be bulimic in private. Some people do not regard their illness as a problem, while others despise and fear the vicious and uncontrollable cycle they are in [7].

Subtypes of bulimia

The specific subtypes differ in the way the bulimic relieves themself of the binge.
Purging type
The purging type uses self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or ipecac, as a means of rapidly extricating the contents from their body. This type is generally more commonly found, and can use one or more of the above methods on a [8].
Non-Purging Type
This type of bulimic is rarely found (only approximately 6%-8%), as it is a less effective means of ridding the body of such a large number of calories. This type of bulimic engages in excessive exercise or fasting following a binge in order to counteract the large amount of calories previously ingested. This is frequently observed in purging type bulimics as well, however this method is not their primary form of weight control following a binge [9].

Consequences of bulimia nervosa
Electrolyte imbalance
Damaging of the voice
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Teeth erosion and cavities, gum disease
Sialadenosis (salivary gland swelling)
Potential for gastric rupture during periods of binging
Esophageal reflux
Irritation, inflammation, and possible rupture of the esophagus
Laxative dependence
Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis
Emetic toxicity due to ipecac abuse
Swelling of the face and cheeks, especially apparent in the lower eyelids due to the high pressure of blood in the face during vomiting.
Callused or bruised fingers
Dry or brittle skin, hair, and nails, or hair loss
Muscle atrophy
Decreased/increased bowel activity
Digestive problems that may be triggered, including Celiac, Crohn's Disease
Low blood pressure, hypotension
Orthostatic hypotension
High blood pressure, hypertension
Iron deficiency, anemia
Hormonal imbalances
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
High risk pregnancy, miscarriage, still-born babies
Elevated blood sugar or hyperglycemia
Weakness and fatigue
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cancer of the throat or voice box
Liver failure
Kidney infection and failure
Heart failure, heart arrhythmia, angina
Potential death caused by heart attack or heart failure; lung collapse; internal bleeding, stroke, kidney failure, liver failure; pancreatitis, gastric rupture, perforated ulcer, depression and suicide.


As mentioned earlier, all six of the criteria listed in the DSM are required for a classic diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. However, these symptoms are often difficult to spot, especially since, unlike anorexia nervosa, in order to be classified as bulimic the person must be of normal or higher weight. Likewise, the person is less likely to drop a significant amount of weight on a continual basis as does the anorectic, making the physical symptoms less noticeable, despite the fact that internal bodily functions are suffering. Because this disorder carries a great deal of shame, the bulimic will desperately try to hide their symptoms from family and friends. This disorder is more likely to span over a lifetime unnoticed, causing a great deal of isolation and stress for the suffering individual. Despite the frequent lack of obvious physical symptoms, bulimia nervosa has proven to be fatal, as malnutrition takes a serious toll on every organ in your body. If any of the symptoms above are noticed one should consult with a doctor or psychologist for further assistance [10].

Related psychological disorders

It is not uncommon that a patient with bulimia nervosa will also have some anxiety or mood disorder as well. Most commonly associated with bulimia is the incidence of anxiety, one study noted this in 75% of bulimic patients. Also prominent in bulimic patients are mood disorders, most commonly depression as well as substance abuse issues. However recent research suggest that depression is a consequence of the eating disorder itself, rather than the other way around. [11]. They are also more likely to attempt suicide, and engage in impulsive behaviors.

Differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

The main criteria differences involve weight, as an anorexic must technically be classified as underweight (defined as a BMI < 18.5, though to be diagnosed with anorexia, the patient generally must have a BMI of less than 17.5). Typically an anorexic is defined by the refusal to maintain a normal weight by self-starvation. Another criteria which must usually be met is amenorrhea, the loss of her menstrual cycle not caused by the normal cessation of menstruation during menopause. Generally the anorexic does not engage in regular binging and purging sessions. In the rare instant that this is observed, in that the patient binges and purges as well as fails to maintain a minimum weight they are classified as a purging anorexic, due to the underweight criteria being met. [12] Characteristically, those with bulimia nervosa feel more shame and out of control with their behaviors, as the anorexic meticulously controls her intake, a symptom that calms her anxiety around food as she feels she has control of it, naive to the notion that it, in fact, controls her. For this reason, the bulimic is more likely to admit to having a problem, as they do not feel they are in control of their behavior. The anorexic is more likely to believe they are in control of their eating and much less likely to admit to needing help, or that a problem even exists in the first place. Similarly, both anorexics and bulimics have an overpowering sense of self that is determined by their weight and their perceptions of it. They both place all their achievements and successes as the result of their body, and for this reason are often depressed as they feel they are consistently failing to achieve the perfect body. For the bulimic, because she cannot achieve the low weight she feels physically that she is a failure and this outlook infiltrates into all aspects of her life. The anorexic cannot see that she is truly underweight and is constantly working towards a goal that she will never meet. Because of this misconception she will never be thin enough, and therefore will be always working towards this unattainable goal. She too allows this failure at achieving the “perfect body” to define her self worth. As both the anorexic and bulimic never feel satisfaction in the more important part of their lives, depression often accompanies these disorders.[13]

Treatment of bulimia nervosa

Treatment is most effective when it is implemented early on in the development of the disorder. Unfortunately, since this disorder is often easier to hide and less physically noticeable, diagnosis and treatment often come when the disorder has already become a static part of the patient’s life. Historically, those with bulimia were often hospitalized to end the pattern and then released as soon as the symptoms had been relieved. However, this is now infrequently used, as this only addresses the surface of the problem, and soon after discharge the symptoms would often reappear as severe, if not worse, than when they had originally been.

There are several residential treatment centers across the country, which offer long term support, counseling, and symptom interruption. The most popular form of treatment for the disorder involves some form of therapy, oftentimes group psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Anorexics and bulimics typically go through the same types of treatments and are members of these same treatment groups. This is because anorexia and bulimia often go hand in hand, and it is not unlikely that one has at some point participated in both. Some refer to this as "symptom swapping". These forms of therapy address both the underlying issues which cause the patient to engage in these behaviors, as well as the actual food symptoms as well. In combination with therapy, many psychiatrists will prescribe anti-depressants or anti-psychotics. Anti-depressants come in different forms, and the most promising drug to respond to bulimia has been Prozac. In a study done with 382 bulimia patients those who took between 20-60 mg of the drug reduced their symptoms from 45% to 67%, respectively. However, Prozac is the only drug that has been tested for bulimia, so it is quite possible that several others could be more effective. Often insurance companies will not pay for other drugs for the patient until he or she has tried Prozac, because it has some positive outcome results.

Anti-psychotics are also used, but in smaller doses than are used for treating schizophrenia. With an eating disorder, the patient perceives reality differently and has difficulty grasping what it is like to eat normally. Unfortunately, since this disorder has only recently been recognized by the DSM, long-term outcomes of people with the disorder are unknown. Current research indicates that up to 30% of patients rapidly relapse, while 40% are chronically symptomatic.

The rate in which the patient receives treatment is the most important factor affecting prognosis. Those who receive treatment early on for the disorder have the highest and most permanent recovery rates.

Mortality risk

Eating disorders have one of the highest death rates of all mental illnesses. The Eating Disorders Association (UK) estimates a 10% mortality rate. An 18% mortality rate has been suggested for Anorexia Nervosa.[1] In addition to the risk of suicide, “death can occur after severe binging in bulimia nervosa as well”.[14] For perspective, these death rates are higher than those of some forms of cancer.


Currently, there is no known way to prevent the onset of bulimia nervosa. Less social and cultural emphasis on physical perfection might help, but it is difficult to make sweeping societal changes. And, as stressed earlier, the best method for preventing the progression of this disorder is early intervention by contacting your medical health professional and receiving psychotherapy. Adults have an immeasurable impact on their children, and focusing on developing a healthy lifestyle is key to raising healthy children in all aspects of life. Teaching children to adopt a healthy diet as a way of life and incorporating fun activities into their day will allow this to become second nature to them. Children should also be taught an emphasis on their internal characteristics and qualities rather than the external focus so much of society and the media tend to focus on. Action is the best method of teaching, and curtailing your own self-criticism and behavior will reflect substantially on your children’s impressions of themselves

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Information on mesothelioma

Mesothelioma lawyers deal specifically with cases concerning people being exposed to asbestos in the work environment. Asbestos was used as a building material years ago because it was not flammable and did not conduct electricity. However, later on studies have shown it can cause some forms of cancer. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer that affects the inner lining of the chest, is one of those forms of cancer. Because asbestos was a common building material and is still found, there has been a call for mesothelioma lawyers to look into cases of people who were exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.Mesothelioma lawyers deal specifically with cases concerning people being exposed to asbestos in the work environment. Asbestos was used as a building material years ago because it was not flammable and did not conduct electricity. However, later on studies have shown it can cause some forms of cancer. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer that affects the inner lining of the chest, is one of those forms of cancer. Because asbestos was a common building material and is still found, there has been a call for mesothelioma lawyers to look into cases of people who were exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.

The Mesothelioma Lawyer and Asbestos Cases
Before asbestos was found to be a potential cause for cancer, it was seen as a great building material. Therefore it was used a lot, and both workers who installed it and employees who worked in these buildings were unknowingly exposed to a cancerous element. These people are only now seeing the effects of their exposure to asbestos, and are bringing cases against the companies that either installed it or owned the buildings. The cases are increasing, causing a need for a specialized brand of lawyer – the mesothelioma lawyer.
Some types of asbestos that can cause cancer:
Mesothelioma Lawyers and the Courtroom
Though it’s not 100% proven that asbestos definitely gives you Mesothelioma, many studies have been done to prove a link between the two. Enough studies to make mesothelioma lawyers very busy. The asbestos is made of a bunch of fibers, and can easily be separated. These fibers can then float in the air and easily get into your respiratory system. Before these studies, when asbestos was used as a common material, no one suggested the need for proper safety procedures – a fact that mesothelioma lawyers point to as a reason their clients now have this form of cancer.

Austin Texas DWI Attorneys

Dunham & Rogers is an Austin, Texas criminal defense law firm concentrating in drunk driving cases including Driving While Intoxicated (Austin DWI), Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Boating While Intoxicated (BWI). Having a Texas Board Certified Austin DWI Attorney handling your case can make the difference of winning your case versus going to jail or doing DWI probation. You will find our law firm to be an excellent source of drunk driving information, Austin DWI educational resources, and qualified Austin DWI Lawyers.
Experienced Austin DWI Lawyers
When selecting Texas DWI legal representation, realize that your DWI lawyer's experience is very important. The way your drunk driving case is handled will have an influence on the outcome and thus your future. Having Texas Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists on your side can mean the difference between obtaining a good result and a bad result. At Dunham & Rogers, many of our Austin DWI Attorneys have previously been Assistant District Attorneys, spending years perfecting their legal courtroom skills. We know the procedures of the Texas Criminal Courts and can make that system work for you.
Proven Track Record against Travis County DWI's, Williamson County DWI's, Hays County DWI's & Bastrop County DWI Cases
Our law firm has accumulated a highly successful record of acquittals, dismissals and reductions in the defense of Texas DWI, drunk driving and alcohol related cases. Each case is different, but note that the attorneys at Dunham & Rogers always start with the goal of getting your drunk driving case dismissed or reduced to a traffic ticket.
Affordable DWI Pay Plans and Low Fees
Our representation fees for Austin DWI are fair and competitive, especially for our specialized Texas Board Certified attorneys. In most cases, we charge a low flat rate and often do not require any money down. The initial consultation is free. When you factor in our DWI experience and proven results handling Austin DWI cases, Dunham & Rogers is a good choice for those who want the highest quality of legal representation at a fair and reasonable cost.
Serious Consequences for Drunk Driving in Austin, Texas
An Austin DWI, DUI or BUI charge has serious consequences. You may lose your Texas Driver's License, experience a substantial increase in car insurance rates, pay large fines and court costs, suffer a Texas Driver's License surcharge ranging from $3,000.00 to $6,000.00, and possibly face Texas jail time.
Don't leave your future to chance. Select a Austin DWI attorney who will fight your Austin DWI case for you. At Dunham & Rogers we will work for dismissal or reduction of your Travis County DWI. If we are successful, you may even be able to have your Texas DWI arrest record and fingerprints torn up! Don't let this Austin DWI arrest affect your job or your future; call us immediately to discuss how we can handle your Austin DWI case.
A Word of Warning about your Texas Driver's License
You have only 15 days from the date of arrest to request a hearing on your driver's license. If you fail to request a hearing, your license may be suspended and you face the probability of paying huge fines for several years. It is important that you hire legal representation for this hearing to challenge the license suspension. Having legal representation for this license hearing provides an opportunity for your attorney to question the arresting officer. Putting the officer on the stand helps to establish his or her position, which can be very beneficial to your case.
Texas Driver's License Surcharge (Fines)
Since 2003, the Texas Department of Public Safety has been authorized to levy a surcharge on driver's licenses suspended for alcohol related arrests. This charge can range from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 per year for three years. Depending on your case, you could be facing a $6,000.00 fee just to keep your license. Now you know why it is so important to fight your license suspension.
Call the Austin DWI Lawyers at Dunham & Rogers immediately to discuss ways we can help keep your driver's license and try to dismiss or reduce your Austin DWI charge.
Dunham & Rogers handles the following types of Texas drunk driving cases:
Austin Drunk Driving
Driving While Intoxicated - DWI
Driving Under the Influence - DUI
Driving While Intoxicated with Child Under 15
Boating While Intoxicated - BWI
Drivers License Hearings
Administrative License Revocation - ALR
DWI suspensions and hearings from Drunk Driving
Other Texas DWI and Criminal Defense matters
Dunham & Rogers handles drunk driving cases in the following cities and counties in Texas:

Travis County Drunk Driving Information
Austin, Bee Caves, Briarcliff, Creedmoor, Del Valle, Jonestown, Lago Vista, Lake Travis, Lakeway, Manchaca, Manor, McNeil, Oak Hill, Pflugerville, Spicewood, Sunset Valley, West Lake Hills

Williamson County Drunk Driving Information
Andice, Cedar Park, Coupland, Florence, Georgetown, Granger, Hutto, Jarrell, Leander, Liberty Hill, Round Rock, Schwertner, Taylor, Thrall, Walburg, Weir

Hays County Drunk Driving Information
Buda, Driftwood, Dripping Springs, Kyle, Mountain City, San Marcos, Uhland, Wimberley

Bastrop County Drunk Driving Information
Bastrop, Cedar Creek, Elgin, McDade, Paige, Red Rock, Rockne, Rosanky, Smithville


Texas DWI Laws - Important Statutes About DWI, Ignition Interlock Devices and Drivers License Suspension Periods
1. Driving on Roadway Laned for Traffic. Tex. Transp. Code § 545.060.
(a) An operator on a roadway divided into tow or more clearly marked lanes for traffic:
(1) shall drive as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane; and
(2) may not move from the lane unless that movement can be made safely.

2. Conditions requiring motor vehicle ignition interlock. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 17.441.

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a magistrate shall require on release that a defendant charged with a subsequent offense under Sections 49.04-49.06, Penal Code, or an offense under Section 49.07 or 49.08 of that code:
(1) have installed on the motor vehicle owned by the defendant or on the vehicle most regularly driven by the defendant, a device that uses a deep-lung breath analysis mechanisim to make impractical the operation of a motor vehicle if ethyl alcohol is detected in the breath of the operator; and
(2) not operate any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with that device.
(b) The magistrate may not require the installation of the device if the magistrate finds that to require the device would not be in the best interest of justice.

2.1 Interlock as a condition of community supervision. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ar. 42.12 § 13(i)
...If it is shown on the trial of the offense that an analysis of a specimen of the person's blood, breath, or urine showed an alcohol concentration level of 0.15 or more at the time the analysis was performed ... the court shal require as a condition of community supervision that the defendant have the device installed on the appropriate vhicle and that the defendant not operate any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with that device.

3. No Deferred Adjudication for Intoxication Offenses. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 5(d)(1)(a)

(d) In all other cases the judge may grant deferred adjudication unless:
(1) the defendant is charged with an offense:
(A) under Section 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, 49.07, or 49.08, Penal Code; ...

4. No Early Release for DWI. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 20(b)
(b) This section does not apply to a defendant convicted of an offense under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code ...

5. Jail Time as a Condition of DWI Conviction. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.14, § 13(a)(1)
(a) A judge granting community supervision to a defendant convicted of an offense under Chapter 49, Penal Code, shall require as a condition of community supervision that the defendant submit to:
(1) not less than 72 hours of continuous confinement in county jail if the defendant was punished under Section 49.09(a); not less than five days of confinement in county jail if the defendant was punished under Section 49.09(b) or (c); or not less than 30 days of confinement in county jail if the defendant was convicted under Section 49.07; ...

6. Enhanced Offenses and Penalties. Tex. Penal Code § 49.09(a) & (b)

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), an offense under Section 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, or 49.065 is a Class A misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of 30 days, if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously been convicted one time of an offense relating to the operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, an offense of operating an aircraft while intoxicated, an offense of operating a watercraft while intoxicated, or an offense of operating or assembling an amusement ride while intoxicated.
(b) An offense under Section 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, or 49.065 is a felony of the third degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously been convicted:
(1) one time of an offense under Section 49.08 or an offense under the laws of another state if the offense contains elements that are substantially similar to the elements of an offense under Section 49.08; or

(2) two times of any other offense relating to the operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, operating an aircraft while intoxicated, operating a watercraft while intoxicated, or operating or assembling an amusement ride while intoxicated.

7. Jury May Recommend Tat License not be Suspended. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 13(g)

(g) A jury that recommends community supervision for a person convicted of an offense under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code, may recommend that any driver's license issued to the defendant under Chapter 521, Transportation Code, not be suspended. This subsectgion does not apply to a person punished under Section 49.09(a) or (b), Penal Code, and subject to Section 49.09(g) of that code.

8. Drivers License Suspension Periods for DWI. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 13(k)

(k) Notwithstanding Sections 521.344(d)-(l), Transportation Code, if the judge, under Subsection (h) or (j) of this section, permits or requires a defendant punished under Section 49.09, Penal Code, to attend an educational program as a condition of community supervision, or waives the required attendance for such a program, and the defendant has previously been required to attend such a program, or the required attendance at the program had been waived, the judge nonetheless shall order the suspension of the driver's license, permit, or operating privilege of that person for a period determined by the judge according to the following schedule:
(1) not less than 90 days or more than 365 days, if the defendant is convicted under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code;
(2) not less than 180 days or more than two years, if the defendant is punished under Section 49.09(a) or (b), Penal Code; or
(3) not less than one year or more than two years, if the person is convicted of a second or subsequent offense under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code, committed within five years of the date on which the most recent preceding offense was committed.

9. Suspension of Minor's License Upon DWI Conviction. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 13(n)

(n) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or other law, the judge who places on community supervision a defendant who is younger than 21 years of age and convicted for an offense under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code, shall:
(1) order that the defendant's driver's license be suspended for 90 days beginning on the date that the person is placed on community supervision; and
(2) require as a condition of community supervision that the defendant not operate a motor vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with the device described by Subsection (l) of this section.

10. Credit for ALR Refusal Suspension. Tex. Transp. Code § 521.344

(c) The court shall credit toward the period of suspension a suspension imposed on the person for refusal to give a specimen under Chapter 724 if the refusal followed an arrest for the same offense for which the court is suspending the person's license under this chapter. The court may not extend the credit to a person:
(1) who has been previously convicted of an offense under Section 49.04, 49.07, or 49.08, Penal Code; or
(2) whose period of suspension is governed by Section 521.342(b).

11. Community Service Provisions. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 16(a)

(a) A judge shall require as a condition of community supervision, that the defendant work a specified number of hours ata community service project or projects for an organization or organizations approved by the judge and designated by the department, unless the judge determines and notes on the order placing the defendant on community supervision that:
(1) the defendant is physically or mentally incapable of participating in the project;
(2) participating in the project will work a hardship on the defendant or the defendant's dependents;
(3) the dfendant is to be confined in a substance abouse punishment facility as a condition of community supervision; or
(4) there is other good cause shown.

12. Community Supervision Does Not Have to be for Two Years. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12, § 3(c)

(c) The MAXIMUM period of community supervision is two years.

Mesothelioma Asbestos Cancer

Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases known to man; the average life span of an inflicted person from the time of diagnosis until death is less than 24 months. It’s a disease that strikes approximately 3,000 United States citizens each and every year; hard working people who have labored for a lifetime to provide for their families, doing the work that keeps this country running and a great place to live. They worked in factories, at shipyards, in mines, for the US military, as engineers, as pipefitters, as steel workers, as auto mechanics, and in so many other professions. They came home to their loved ones exhausted and covered in dirt and dust; tired, but content that they had a job and were providing for their family. Content that they were putting food on the table and a house over their loved one’s heads. Content that they were working to make a better life for their families in this generation and the next...

But what they didn’t know was that while they were working so hard, they were not only slowly killing themselves, but those that they were working so hard to help; their family, their loved ones.

Mesothelioma is a disease that is almost 100% preventable; the only known cause is via exposure to the deadly mineral Asbestos. It comes from inhaling the particles of dust as the asbestos degrades; eating away at the lining of your lungs and developing into a deadly cancer. Dust that was inhaled in clouds of white powder, dust that was carried home on the clothes of the men who built this country, dust that was cleaned from the clothes by the wives and children who supported their sole provider at home, dust that was packed around the heating systems in houses and offices and schools, dust that carried a deadly price; and dust made a fortune in blood money for the companies that produced it.

Unfortunately, the effects of asbestos on the human body were known to be deadly for years by the companies who employed the ‘greatest generation’ and made hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars off of their backs. But instead of taking simple steps to alleviate the problem and save the lives of thousands of their workers, they choose to do nothing and continue to make a “healthy” profit with a “deadly” product. Many even went so far as to hide the truth from their workers and their families. And because the normal latency period for Mesothelioma (The time from exposure until the patient falls ill) is 20 to 30 years, many got away with this for years. We are only now beginning to see the full effects of the disease, and feel the terrible outcry of the people against those who put profits before human lives to a degree that is simply unfathomable.

MesoLink.org is a site created to provide you with up to date information on the deadly disease Mesothelioma. We strive to provide the most complete overview of the disease and all aspects of it. This includes general information on the disease, breaking news on the search for a cure and perspective legislation designed to limit you as well as all other news on the subject,

links to other sites and online resources that can provide important and in-depth Mesothelioma and cancer related information,

and a legal guide to help you with the complex legal issues involved with Mesothelioma.